viernes, 8 de abril de 2016

Leonard Andrés Vargas Uscátegui
"Teens and Tech - What technology is doing to our families an What to do about it"
In the video he talks about how technology has been present through all time and has always been hand in hand with the evolution of human beings. At the conference talking about the incursion of technology in areas such as education, the media, society etc. First of all technology is defined as an extension of humanity, which aims to facilitate technological progress by each human tasks, while a reflection on the role of technology in our lives is done.

Technology is defined as a system of organization that helps more easily accomplish all human activities.

On the other hand the negative points that has brought technology and how this can affect our lives are exposed. An example of these are addictions that this brings, clear example is the use of electronic devices such as cell phones, computers, video games, TV, which are being misused by humanity, creating dependent human beings of all these artifacts , which causes dependence sedentary lifestyle and loss of social contact with other human beings.

The use of technology can cause changes to neurological level, because the brain must assimilate the amount of information that occurs when using multiple devices simultaneously, but can also cause changes in behavior since they are leaving aside the emotional and behavioral relationships between human because every human being is leaving dominated by electronic devices.

Many tasks that involve some mental effort are being delegated to computers and other devices, adversely affecting the functioning of the brain, causing distraction, dependence and mental laziness in humans. Another example is the loss of memory and writing which in ancient times were great, but now with the advent of computers has been lost because we let these do the work than before to our brain.

In the video the speaker talks about the negatives of technology:

  • Modern psychology says that technology disrupts brain development.
  • The absence of social interaction, because text messages.
  • The loss of attention and mental abilities by using technology.
  • The negative influence of technology on new generations.

Those are some tips to assimilate technology.

  • Talking with children and teach them to estimated.
  • Recognize the technology as an element that has always been present and should be for our service.
  • Do not be seduced by technology.
  • Talking about friendships in social networks.
  • Do not use electronic devices during family gatherings.
  • Do not blame technology for negative things happen.

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